Our services

With our turnkey service, we take care of everything from design to delivery. Our aim is that you don't have to worry about anything, ensuring that a single company manages the entire process, allowing you to enjoy your new home immediately with the best qualities in construction and finishes.

Choose from our wide range of models or allow us to create a personalised project adapted to your requirements and taste.

What is included in the price
turnkey offer
  • Fabricación
  • Transporte y descarga
  • Montaje
  • Aislante del tejado 35 cm: LÁMINA caucho anti condensación + LANA DE ROCA 10cm + LONETA verde impermeable + CÁMARA aire 3cm + MADERA prensada OSB + TEJA CERÁMICA MIXTA / TÉGOLA AMERICANA / TELA ASFÁLTICA (según terminación elegida)
  • Puerta exterior con cerradura y puertas interiores de madera maciza.
  • Ventanas con doble acristalamiento (4+10+4 mm) y apertura oscilobatiente
  • Planos del anteproyecto
  • Instalación eléctrica hasta perímetro de la casa, incluidos interruptores y enchufes. Incluye puntos de luz en fachada, no incluye luminarias
  • Cuadro eléctrico: incluye diferenciales y magnetotérmicos
  • Pre-instalación eléctrica desde Cuadro eléctrico a tejado, para instalación futura de placas solares
  • Antena TV TDT
  • Instalación de fontanería, desagües y eléctrica en baño/s, cocina y resto de dependencias, hasta perímetro de la casa
  • Punto exterior de agua con grifo
  • Baño totalmente equipado: inodoro, lavabo con pie, plato de ducha, mampara y grifería (incluye alicatado en zona de ducha)
  • Calentador eléctrico de agua 
  • Equipo de Aire Acondicionado con bomba de calor (1 split)
  • Tratamiento protección 1ª capa a TODA LA MADER: Imprimación interior / exterior inmunizante, biocida y fungicida.
  • Tratamiento protección 2ª capa EXTERIOR: Pintura color según gama, de lasur a poro abierto en fachada, ventanas y puerta exterior.
  • Tratamiento protección 3ª capa EXTERIOR: producto incoloro de lasur a poro abierto con ultra filtros solares en fachada, ventanas y puerta exterior.
  • Protección interior en paredes interiores, vigas, columnas y techo: pintura color pino satinado o incoloro de lasur a poro abierto.
  • Protección suelo interior: barniz vitrificado incoloro a base de resinas, con alta resistencia al roce y la abrasión
Included services
Design and manufacture Transport from factory to assembly site Unloading at the installation site with boom truck crane Montaje completo Doors and windows Mixed roofing tile, sandwich panel or roofing felt as per selection Wall Insulation, from 20 cm to 38 cm thick depending on the insulation and partition chosen Roof insulation, from 16.50 cm to 35 cm thick depending on the finish Ac 5 Floating Flooring with sheet insulation and 28 mm natural wood Rainwater collection gutters Protection:coat to all wood: Interior/exterior immunising, biocide and fungicide primer. Painting: exterior layer: Paint colour according to range, façade, windows and exterior door. Protection: exterior layer: Colourless open pore treatment with ultra solar filters on facade, windows and exterior door. protection Paint, colourless vitrified varnish based on resins, with high resistance to rubbing and abrasion. Complete plumbing installation Electrical installation, electrical switchboard, wiring, switches and sockets Bathroom/s Complete: washbasin, vanity unit, mirror, taps, toilet, shower tray, shower screen and PVC shower area covering. one air conditioning unit with heat pump Electric DHW heater 100 litres TV Antenna Installed Alarm system connected to central for free first year (see areas) Outdoor water point with tap Advice and Products for first maintenance Fiber optic installation and 1 month free without permanence Protection: Fireproof Treatment Kitchen plumbing and electrical installations
Optional services

You can also hire additional services such as foundations, architect's project, kitchen or furnishing, among many others. Contact us without obligation, we will be happy to assist and advise you.

Colour palette
At your disposal
Need help with your project?

We are able to transform any idea you have into reality. We carry out tailor-made projects and create unique products.

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